Improve Dental Patient Experience With New Office Technology

Are you looking for ways to improve patient experience and make your dental practice run more efficiently? Some innovative technology may be just what you need to make your practice stand out and help you streamline administrative workflow. Many dental health care providers are now using sign-in kiosks, digital communication, online patient portals, scheduling software and mobile payment apps to increase patient (and staff) satisfaction.
Let Your Patients Sign in at a Kiosk
No one likes to stand in line just to let the receptionist know they are ready for their appointment. A simple sign-in kiosk allows patients to sign in when they arrive. Their presence is automatically logged in and can be verified via a computer located anywhere in your office. If necessary, contact and other information can even be updated at the kiosk.
Digital Communication Saves Time
Although nothing can replace the personal touch of a telephone call, you can save time and offer your patients more flexibility by setting up automated software that accepts and delivers personal messages, creates a communication record and even sends invoices via text or email. You can also set up automated communication between your office and insurance companies that can track and expedite insurer payments. One way you can keep in regular contact with your patients is to set up digital portals that allow them to view their appointments, visit and medical histories, access information regarding upcoming or past procedures and pay their bill online.
Patient Portals and Scheduling Software
One way you can keep in regular contact with your patients is to set up digital portals that allow them to view their appointments, visit and medical histories, access information regarding upcoming or past procedures and pay their bill online. These encrypted portals operate much like personal websites patients can access from home, work or their smartphone. Scheduling software within the portals makes it easy for patients to schedule their appointments any time whether your office is open or not.
There’s an App for That
Consider incorporating chip-card and/or mobile app payment technology into your dental practice. Credit cards with Europay-MasterCard-Visa (EMV) chips and mobile apps such as Apple Pay are becoming increasingly popular with consumers due to the encryption and security methods they use.
A Hidden Bonus
Dental practices that employ advanced technologies save time and money. If you want to relocate and need to sell your practice, the efficiency that comes with innovative technology can help your property show well and sell for more.
If you have questions about currently available commercial properties or building a new dental office, call Joseph Rossi & Associates at 630-353-1190. We are a real estate consulting firm specializing in dental/medical real estate throughout the Chicagoland area. A proven market leader with a competitive edge, JRA helps dentists find and profitably secure real estate for their dental practice. We would be pleased to talk with you about the services we have to offer.